Sunday 29 June 2014

Published June 29, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Short Essay on My Favorite Book: Science

Short Essay on My Favorite Book: Science

There are several kinds of books in the world. I feel books are necessary because they are the treasure house of knowledge and they can make our brain ultimate to all. Thus the books are necessary because they also give knowledge for calculating, computer technique and some other mechanical techniques.

All the books are of my favorite. But the most favorite book for me is science because science gave me the knowledge about other animals, plants and human beings. Science the world used for scientifically expression. As to as science I love my science teacher. He Express the science in a suitable way. Science is the king of all subjects and his Queen is Mathematics. I love science too much.

This Essay is written by: Jhasaketan Mishra
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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Published June 25, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Essay on My First Day In Junior College


Essay on My First Day In Junior College

I can never forget my first day in junior college. All the rush of admission was over. I was very happy because of getting a seat in one of the reputed college in out state. I was very excited on the first day of my junior college.

I stood in the corridor of the imposing building and looked around. For a moment, I felt completely lost and frightened. I asked the peon about my classroom, he showed me a notice board and asked to see the roll number and classroom. When I entered into the classroom, I felt relieved because there were some familiar faces of my friends which were from my school and colony. I took a seat near sachin. He was my school friend from 4th standard.

When bell rang, Mr. Symonds entered in the classroom. We stood up and wished him. Then he introduced himself and asked students to give their introduction. Then he gave some information about the college, subjects and syllabus.

As it was the first day of junior college, he freed us within half an hour. Then we start wondering in the college and found out various offices, playground, tennis court, canteen, etc. Book-Library and gymkhana was very nice.

Though I was felt completely lost and frightened earlier but at the time leaving college I was very happy and confident. Thus it was one of the memorable day of my life and I can never forget my first day of junior college.

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Published June 25, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Essay on Journey by Bus

Essay on Journey by Bus

One day we received a letter about illness of my uncle who lived in a village. The village where he lived is our native place. My father didn’t get the leave from the office. Therefore I had to rush to the village. If necessary, I was to bring him to the city for his next treatment in good hospitals.

As there was no train facility in the village, I had to go by bus. The bus was early in the morning from bus stand. There was a huge crowd in the bus stand. Many people tried to enter in the bus to get a seat, many get injured. I have reserved my seat already; therefore there was no problem for me. But as I entered in the bus at last, my reserved seat was occupied by another passenger. I requested him to vacate my seat, but he was not in the mood of hearing. Then I called the conductor and told him my problem. He ordered that man to leave the seat. Thus I occupied the seat with a sigh of relief.

Then conductor rang the bell and thus bus was started at exact time. Conductor was started issuing tickets to the passengers. After some stations bus gets fully packed with passengers. The condition of road at outer part of city was very bad causing a bumpy journey onwards.

All of us were perspiring because of extreme heat and congestion. Then I heard a cry of baby. I looked in the direction of sound of baby and saw a lady standing with baby in one hand and her bag in the other hand. Therefore I offered her my seat.

At one station conductor announced that bus will be halting for 15 minutes, then I got down the bus and had tea and snacks. Then bus started again after 15 minutes. After two hours I seen some cows on the road and I heaved a sigh of relief. Though it had been a tiring journey, I enjoyed it very much. That journey by bus I can never forget.

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Sunday 22 June 2014

Published June 22, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on My First Train Journey

Essay on My First Train Journey

Generally when we discuss about any journey first word that blinked in our mind is railway journey. Nations like India, where the population has crossed 110 million in such countries rail travel is very important. There are many options like plane, bus, cars and ships, but there is no enjoyment like railway travelling. Rail is cheaper and comfortable too!

Railway travelling generates both problems and enthusiasm to mind. If you have already reserved your seat rail - becomes pleasant to visit after visit, but if you have a long journey in the general compartments simmering mind arises in time. People traveling in the general category and coaches try to get seats in any way. When you go to the station you will find many people who weighting normal ticket or reserve tickets trying to confirm by ticket collector.

Well, anyhow, even if the journey has begun with rush, we could easily walk into the reserved compartment. The atmosphere of these compartments is very nice. In contrast to the general class coaches who somehow are forced to travel. A seat of 4 will get occupied by 6 to 7 person. Compartments are full of Beggars selling soft drinks, canned food vendors buzzing noise is complete. Between - the people screaming, crying children, then things will get every visit. Aside from all the high-class compartments Food - Drink is also available. In developing countries like India, most people are forced to travel in the normal range.

I love train travel, but the sleeper class. The care of the fight to seat at least does not mind. If I'm traveling with my family sitting in the window go out the window while enjoying the natural beauty makes me very happy. What can you say with some food stuffs, makes the trip memorable.  I like to travel through passenger train on short trips.

Tags: Short essay on my first train journey in hindi, Short and simple essay on my first train journey in marathi.
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Published June 22, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 1 comment

Short Essay on My First Day In School

Short Essay on My First Day In School

I am a student of class VIII. I have enrolled in the new school this year. If I remember well the first day of school, it was a very exciting and memorable day for me. I was very happy and excited on that day.

My dad brought a new school bag for, books and new uniforms for me. Mom and Dad gave some lessons with words of excitement while I was going for school.

I reached the school by school bus in time. Principal welcomed the new students. He affectionately patted my back. There was smile on all children's faces and there was an atmosphere of excitement in the classroom.

All students in the class introduced their names, and information. Then I went to canteen, and I also ate sandwich. Then we moved into our classrooms. After two periods, there was a period of sports. I played kho kho which is my favorite game.

When last bell rung, children comes out of the school premises. We just sat in school bus parked outside the school. We talked many things while coming to home. I will never forget this day.

Tags: Essay on my first day in school, Short and simple essay on my first day in school in hindi, in Marathi.

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Thursday 12 June 2014

Published June 12, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 2 comments

Short essay on Our National Flag

Essay on Our National Flag

After being freed from British rule on 15 August 1947, India adopted its own national flag. There are three colors in our national flag. They are saffron, white and green. (Short essay on Our National Flag)

Ashoka Chakra reflects the victory of honesty and justice. Our national flag teaches us that we should believe faithfulness, sacrifice and unity. Our national flag is flown each year by the Prime Minister on August 15. Every year, our president unfurls the flag on January 26. After the hoisting flag on the Red Fort they addresses to the people of India. (Short essay on Our National Flag)

Tags: English essay on our national flag, our national language english essay in hindi, our national festivals essay in hindi, essay on our national flag in english language, essay on indian national flag in hindi, short essay on our national flag, our national flag essay in hindi, our national flag essay for kids
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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Published June 11, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 2 comments

Short essay on Tree Plantation

Short essay on Tree Plantation

Today's world is riddled with problems. Balance between flora and fauna is the biggest problem the world. Population growth wildly distorts the balance between our economic and health. (Short essay on Tree plantation)

Cutting of forests from human being - is a threat to civilization. Weather has changed significantly. In some parts of the Earth there are either consecutive years of drought or severe flooding.

Forests and water – are the renewable sources, when they are not present, always flowing rivers get dried, water levels in dams get reduced, canals, power generation is stopped and the water is reduced. It is generated at grain industries is threatened. (Short essay on Tree plantation)

The trees not only make the soil fertile, but also to generate consciousness in our lives. If we want to protect our civilization and culture, then we must plant more trees, rather than that not only nurture we should also protect them. (Short essay on Tree plantation)

Trees do many things for human being, they seem beautiful and it keeps the air clean, reduce the harshness of the weather and help to eliminate toxic gases. There are many types of trees that benefit us. Air, water and soil pollution can be eliminated by the growth of trees. (Short essay on Tree plantation)

Tags: essay on tree plantation, English essay on tree plantation, report on tree plantation, essay on tree plantation for kids, essay on tree plantation program, essay on trees, essay on tree plantation drive essay on tree plantation in Hindi, essay on tree plantation in school.

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Published June 11, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short essay on Our Country - India

Short essay on Our Country - India

Our country is India. It is a vast country. India is on seventh number according to the area while it is on second number  in the population. New Delhi is our nation's capital. (Short essay on Our Country - India)

India is a democratic republic. It's a religion - secular country. The Constitution of India is supreme and has given equal rights to every citizen by the Constitution of India. National flag of our country is tricolor.

In India, every year there are six seasons. Each season - their place is important. These season diversify our nation. (Short essay on Our Country - India)

India has Himalayas in the north. This mountain is huge. It is the highest mountain. The peak sky kisses. Himalayan  is also known as the king of the mountains. Drifting snow is always at its peak. India is like a sentinel guarding it. (Short essay on Our Country - India)

There are many rivers in our country. The Ganges is the most sacred river. The water of the Ganges is sacred. On its shores are numerous pilgrimage. Ganga river water is used for agricultural work. There are also Narmada, Tapti, Godavari and other large rivers. Their task is to irrigation water. (Short essay on Our Country - India)

There are numerous states in India. Here are the different religions and ethnicities reside. Sikhs in Punjab state residents. Muslim residents in many regions. India is Hindu-majority country. More people speak regional languages. The use of different language and different religions and castes people of India in spite of mutual love and camaraderie that. It is a symbol of unity in diversity. In fact, our country is great. "Mera Bharat Mahan". (Short essay on Our Country - India)
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Published June 11, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on Village life in India

Essay on Village life in India

India is primarily a country of villages. The two - thirds plus population lives in villages. More than half of people's lives depend on agriculture. It is impossible to think of developing india without developing villages. Gandhiji had said - "real India lives in villages'. Indian village - Life is a storehouse of simplicity and natural beauty. (Essay on Village life in India)

Agriculture is the main source of income of the inhabitants of the Indian village. Some cattle - rearing and earn their own living, mostly from cottage industry. Hard work, simple hearted nature are the characteristics of rural life. Village landscape catches the eye.

After independence, with the development of agriculture - with the village - that speed up development. Concrete houses are found in most villages of India. Almost all farmers and cattle are your solution. Many are also found near the tractor etc. Farmers income has also increased. Village - in terms of improvements being made to focus on education. Most villages have primary schools today. If not, there are ongoing efforts to open the school. (Essay on Village life in India)

The plight of Indian farmers is a major cause of debt. Seth - little money lender owes his crop by farmers forced to sell at very low prices. Villages are being set so that the nominal interest on bank loans to farmers. In addition, rural people are being trained in various professions. Handloom and handmade craft - is being given special attention. The idea is that small farmers benefit from the establishment of industries and cottage industries. (Essay on Village life in India)

We should not forget that development of country is dependent on the development of villages. Even large enterprises sell goods even if the farmer would have the money. Just give a little cleaning or facilities may not deliver villages. Indian villages on the problems of the whole-hearted attention is required. (Essay on Village life in India)

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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Published June 10, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 5 comments

Short essay on Save Water Save Life

Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is one of the nature's precious gifts to mankind. The volume of the human body is two-thirds water. It clears the importance of water in our lives. For every creature of the earth require lots of water. Trees - plants require lots of water. Water can be formed in  liquid, solid and gas is form. (essay on Save Water Save Life)

Water is the most essential component of life and is vital for sustenance. Water is found in the sea, river, pond, wells, etc.  Water is very important in our daily lives. Our life depends on it. It helps the body's digestive function and regulates our body temperature. It is very important to our earth. It is a key component in determining the quality of our lives and is a universal solvent. (essay on Save Water Save Life)

It is difficult to imagine our life without water. But the irony is that though humans understand the importance of water he started to contaminate it. Because of water - Pollution and wasting water pure water for drinking is not available now. Reaching consequences are not good. Certainly it is not fair for the future. Water is known as the elixir of life. Therefore, water conservation is necessary to save lives. (essay on Save Water Save Life)

Tags: essay on save water save life, paragraph on save water save life, speech on save water save life essay on save water save life in hindi, short paragraph on save water, save water save life information
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Published June 10, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on the Importance of Discipline in life

Essay on the Importance of Discipline

Existence of human life is impossible without the aid of society. To create a thriving social life will have to follow certain rules. These rules are the rules of social life. Individually and collectively, about a man who has routinely puts his life disciplined life. (Essay on the Importance of Discipline)

Discipline human - is a necessary part of life. Man in every sphere of life whether it be a playground or school, home or any gathering outside the house - Society, the place has to follow the rules of discipline.

Inside buds, blossoms wither away as if there is any reason is lacking as well - the beauty of the garden ends. For a country to become a victim of student indiscipline becomes unclean conduct that is so lackluster society someday.(Essay on the Importance of Discipline)

The family's early school discipline. A well-educated child of a family conduct themselves pure and noble character and good conduct becomes one. Parents obey teaches discipline him first.

After the family, education schools are the second stop of discipline. With pure conduct and are disciplined attitude worthy disciple of the guru. In such a school boy, body, soul and brain development is balanced.

After a life of school when the student enters into social life, her step - move requires disciplined behavior. Not only for undisciplined person, would prove fatal for the entire country and society.(Essay on the Importance of Discipline)

Real sense of discipline and its corrupt tendencies that harm others is to control. More self discipline than is necessary for the external control. Real discipline concerned because of what the human soul pure human soul ever does not encourage inappropriate actions.(Essay on the Importance of Discipline)
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Published June 10, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on Importance of Internet

Essay on Importance of Internet

As the Internet has revolutionized the world, not just by any other technique. The Internet is the medium of communication between distant consumers. It is also a means to publish information globally. Vast Ocean of information is the Internet. Today, billions of people are using the Internet for various tasks.

In most parts of the world today is to connect to the Internet. In any country of the world through the Internet we have a company, organization or person can install it immediately. (Essay on Importance of internet)

E-mail or electronic mail is still the most popular use, which has revolutionized the field of communication. Cheaper than other mediums, due to high-speed and more convenient e-mail around the world have made their way into homes and offices.

The new generation is widely popular in the internet chat or discussion. It is a versatile activity, which geographically far - flung places the person at the same chat server logging "- the Board through with each other - can be discussed. Social networking websites has created a boom in the world. To conduct economic activities in hundreds of a proof of the growing popularity of net dot com, dot org, dot, info, etc., is the emergence of companies. (Essay on Importance of internet)

Internet provides education along with entertainment. Encyclopedia of all things, a map of all countries, culture, history, literature and whatever we want to know about all the information is available via the Internet. Today many competitive examinations Application Form - Results from all of the information is available on the Internet. Rail - transport, air traffic tickets from the convenience of banking through the internet today, everything is happening. (Essay on Importance of internet)

Tags: essay on importance of internet, essay on importance of internet in students life, essay on importance of internet in modern life.
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Monday 9 June 2014

Published June 09, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short Essay On Television

Short Essay On Television

Television is a marvel of science. In 1901 scientist named Marconi invented the radio. This allows us to be in a foreign country can listen to the program.

TV is developed form of radio. In 1926, Jay L. Breerd exposed television to the people. Delhi's first television station was founded in 1959. Television today has become a popular means of entertainment. DD has considerable advantages. It appeared to be aired programs are directly affected. Drama, music, art, etc. develops cultural interest of the people. (Essay on television)

Games go live is growing interest in sports among the youth. Religious programs provide familiar with our culture and religion. Television also has disadvantages. People tend to spend a lot of time watching TV. Watching television for ling time affects interaction among the people. This has a negative impact on the social life of man. (Essay on television)

Disturbance occurs in the studies of students. Eyes get weaken because of watching more TV. Therefore we should watch a television for a limited period.

Essay on television, essay on television is harmful to society, essay on television for students, essay on television advantages and disadvantages, essay on television for kids, essay on television in hindi, essay on impact of television, This post provides a short essay on television.
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Published June 09, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short Essay on Women Education

Essay on Women's Education

This post provide a short essay on women's education.

It is believed that God resident is that where there is worship of women. From ancient times is called that women is a ‘Home goddess' or' Griha Lakshmi.

Special emphasis was given to female education in ancient times. But the status of women in the middle Ages was miserable. Her life was restricted to the four walls of the house. Woman was forced to stay in the screen. Female - Male life is two wheels of the chariot, therefore, women must be educated with the men.

If the mother is educated then her child would be too educate and gentle. Functions can be divided into the hands of the educated housewife, husband, family can run smoothly. Female - learning to become financially independent women from spreading. Be conscious of their rights and duties. Ideal housewife is pride for society.

It is very important for a woman to have bookish education along with moral education. Woman could also contribute proficient in working with civil society. The contribution of women in society is the highest. Women are always ahead of men in every field like children's upbringing, ranging from education to employment. So women must not underrate ever and ever must respect.

Essay on women education, paragraph on women education, importance of women education essay, essay on women empowerment in hindi.
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Published June 09, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 1 comment

Essay on Smoking Is Injurious to Health

Smoking Is Injurious To Health

Smoking is a major problem in today. Initially the man get attracted towards it and later it turns into a habit. There are many other diseases.

Texts were considered drug abuse is bad. Smoking is a slow poison. It spread in a body slowly. Most have bad effects on the lungs. Because of smoking the man dies quickly. Smoking causes a disease such as cancer and tuberculosis. Smokers do not seem properly hunger. The taste of mouth gets worse. Not foul mouth.

For women, smoking is more deadly. Some people understand that smoking calms the mind and the brain. He thinks it can do its work by the abuse he concentrated mind. In fact, this assumption is very wrong. Smoking makes minds dull. Smoking is also written on the box that smoking is injurious to health, yet people drink this poison.

Today's young generation is bound up very badly in smoking addiction. Losses are shown daily on TV today, yet people do not learn from it. Today people want him to leave this bad habit to make your life happy.

Essay on smoking is injurious to health, essay on smoking is injurious to health in hindi, speech on smoking is injurious to health, essay cigarette smoking, should smoking allowed school essay, smoking should not banned public places essay
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Published June 09, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short Essay on My favorite game: Kabaddi

Essay on My favorite game: Kabaddi

In India, many games are played. Cricket, hockey, football and Volleyball are the favorite games of many people. But not everyone can play these games because these games are expensive and must be specially prepared ground. (essay on my favourite game)

I am also from a poor family. Kabaddi is my favorite sport. I am fond of Kabaddi players. Kabaddi is a pretty expensive sport than me, to find the cheapest and healthiest sport. Kabaddi not require any particular location. It can be played anytime. Yes it is a little afraid of injury if the space rock.

Well Kabaddi players are 7-7 in games even if the player accumulates 8-10. Kabaddi is a line that brought the play call center space. The players are equal on both sides. A player starts the game Kabaddi - kabaddi lively leads to the second team. He tries to breathe without it touching the broken other players to come back to his area. (essay on my favourite game)

Players of the other team grabs him and he does not touch the player nurtures the player is considered out. This game requires strength. Overall Kabaddi is a cheap, simple, safe and secure game. So this is my favorite game.

My favourite game cricket, essay on my favorite game kabaddi.
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Published June 09, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short Essay on Child Marriage in India

Short Essay on Child Marriage in India

Many bad practices were prevalent in ancient India | of them had a bad practice of child marriage. Child marriage was an ancient practice in India. It was a bad practice. This practice extends to the whole of India was in olden times.

People used to marry young children. This practice had become a fierce. People did not oppose the practice. Then many people began to come in opposition to this practice. Because of this cruel thing, girl becomes mother in her small age. The reason many girls would have died at a young age.

Most people were illiterate. Today in many parts of India, girls are married before time.

It was believed that all over the world there was highest child marriage in India. Then create a new rule for the Government marriage. Boys to 21 years and the age of marriage for girls to 18 years were fixed.

essay on child marriage, articles and papers on child marriage, child marriage essay in english assignment,essay on child marriage in hindi.
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