Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Published July 16, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Essay on Ganga River

Ganga starts from the cradle of the Himalayan mountain of the south. In the initial phase of flow, there are two rivers Alaknanda and Bhagirathi originates in India. Bhagirathi originates from Gangotri glacier which is 25 km long from Gaumukh location. Bhagirathi and Alaknanda Dev Prayag is the confluence of the Ganges as it is recognized.

Ganga, which flows through the vast plains of India in the Bay of Bengal meets splits into several branches. Hooghly branch of the river which flows near Kolkata, the second branch enters Bangladesh's Padma river. The entire length of the river is approximately 2507 kilometers. The Ganges and the Bay of Bengal Sundarbans delta formed at the meeting point are known as the world's well-known habitat of flora and famous Bengal tiger. (Essay on Ganga river in English)
Quantify the Yamuna river itself is an independent and large, i.e. Prayag in Allahabad come and joins the Ganges.

Alaknanda river is a branch of Ganges. It is one of the four names of Ganga. There are many variations of the Ganges and the names of the four pilgrimages. Ganga is called Bhagirathi at Gangotri, Mandakini in Kedarnath and Alaknanda Badrinath. It starts with Shatpath and Badrinath Khadak from Uttarakhand. This place is called Gangotri.

Alaknanda River flows into the valley about 229 km. The confluence of Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Dev Prayag or Vishnu Prayag and then only Ganga and Alaknanda name is left over. The famous Hindu shrine of Badrinath is nestled on the banks of Alaknanda. It is very popular for adventure sports, River rafting etc. near the border of Tibet and at Keshvprayag location it meets with modern Saraswati river. Keshvprayag is situated at some height from Badrinath. (Essay on Ganga river)
Tags: essay on ganga river, essay on ganga river in hindi language, sanskrit, english, essay on river ganga in hindi, essay on the holy ganga,pollution case study.
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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Published July 08, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Essay on Pollution and its Effect

Essay on Pollution and its Effect

A life-threatening situation or unusual natural state of pollution is called. Pollution is like. For example, water pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution. Improper exploitation of natural resources by human pollution is the main reason. Pollution can lead to rapid modernization haijaba toxins, lakes, streams, rivers, oceans and other bodies of water are either dissolved or float or settle down at the bottom. This pollutes the water, its quality decreases, which impacts on the aquatic environment. The pollutants that are polluting the water and on the ground floor below.

Noise is an unwanted sound. Some like the sound of that may be unpleasant to others. It is based on various factors. The natural environment of the air, volcanoes, marine animals, birds of voices filled with accept. Man-made sounds Masina, cars, trains, airplanes, fireworks, explosives, and more. That is more controversial. In both noise pollution, sleep, listen to the dialogue here that affect the physical and mental health.

The definition of pollution, it could be a situation that is referred to as the'' environmental pollution in the human environment to the extent that the accumulation of unwanted material and energy by absorption of the ecosystem, which is not to be.'' Harmful air the air is polluted substances from leaving. This health problem that causes damage to property and the environment, and. The ozone layer is a change in the weather has changed so.
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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Published July 03, 2014 by Mayuresh Joshi

Essay on Nelson Mandela in Hindi

Essay on Nelson Mandela in Hindi

अबाहम लिंकन और मार्टिन लूथर किंग के विचारों को मानने वाले, दक्षिण अफ्रिका के गॉधी नेल्सन मंडेला का जन्म बासा नदीं के किनारे ट्रास्फी के मचेंजी गॉव में 1 8 जुलाई, 1918 को हुआ था । माता का नाम नोमजामौ विनी मेर्द्धक्रिजाला था, वे एक मैथडिस्ट थीं । पिता का नाम गेडला हैनरी था । वे गॉव के प्रधान थे । उन्होंने बालक का नाम रोहिंल्हाला रखा, जिसका अर्थ होता है पेङ को डालियों छोडने वाला या ध्याना शेतान बच्चा । बारह वर्ष की अल्प आयु में उनके सर से पिता का साया उठ गया था.

नेल्सन मंडेला को प्रारंभिक शिक्षा क्लार्कबेरी मिशनरी स्कूल में एवं स्नातक शिक्षा हेल्डटाउन में हँरैधी हेल्डटाउन' अश्वेतों के लिए बनाया गया रेष कॉलेज था । इसी काँलेज में मंडेला को लाकात है आँलिवर टाम्बो' से हुई जो जीवन भर उडे दोस्त एवं सहयोगी रहे । 1 9 4 0 तक नेल्सन मंडेला और आँलिवर ने कॉलेज केषस में जपने राजनैतिक विचारों और क्रियावन्नायों से लोकप्रियता अर्जित कर ली थी । कॉलेज प्रशासन को जब इसकी खबर लगी तो दोनो को कॉलेज से निकाल दिया गया.
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