Saturday 28 December 2013

Published December 28, 2013 by Mayuresh Joshi with 1 comment

Short and simple essay on City Life Or Life In A City

City Life Or Life In A City

Points to be covered in the essay:

  1. Is city-life similar to rural life?
  2. Does city life have side?
  3. Does h have any bad side?
  4. Which facilities are available in a city? education, medication, entertainment, transport, markets, -
  5. What are the problems of city-life? Accommodation, sanitation, water supply, industry, pollution of water, vehicles, air pollution, slums, crime and vice.

Essay: City Life Or Life In A City

When my father got a job in a city nearby we decided to shift there from our house in a small town. My heart was leaping up with joy. I was dreaming happy pictures of city life in my mind. But alas! Except some all other of them proved to be unhappy when I for the first time sow the face of a city and got mixed up in the hustle and bustle of city-life.

Life in the city is totally different from the rural life. They are as if two ends. The city-life has both sides good as well as bad. First comes before the bad side. The evils of city life begin from its vast population. There is crowd everywhere. The growing industrial development attracts rural people. They flock to the city to seek job and enjoy luxuries of city life. But does one really enjoy a city life is a question. Lot of population creates problems of accommodation. People live in congested houses in limited space. Colonies of buildings and skyscrapers are raised at random without any systematic planning. The water-supply falls short. The smoke from the industry and innumerable verities pollutes the air. People breath only smoke. They work round the clock. They always are in a hurry and worry. No greenery, no nature, no open air, no trees, no birds, No time to stand and stare. Can city-life be pleasant?

True, the city offers its citizens many up-to-date modern comforts and facilities. One can get best education from primary to the university level. One gets variety of books from big libraries. There are many good educational aids like cultural centers, technical schools, museums, art-galleries etc. For recreation there are parks with many toys. For amusement there are Cinemas and plays One can get the best medical facilities in a city. There are good means of transport and big markets.

But most of these facilities are now-a-days for people with money. For admission in a good school, one has to stand in a long queue to get a form. A big amount as a school-donation is a criterion for the school-admission. Then, even, a dunce in a rich family gets admitted in any good school easily. The other facilities also are as if made for the rich. All discomforts and pains of city life fall to a common man's lot. He somehow manages his daily routine life. The inflation and growing costs make him turn his face from these comforts.

In contrast to this luxurious picture of a city, the worst side of city life is the vast slums. They are growing fast. The poor people living below the poverty line encroach the open plots and slums grow. Filthy huts are the hells of misery. Crime, vice and corruption take birth there. The dens of gamblers and criminals are there. Again there remain the homeless hundreds who live and sleep on foot-paths.

On the bright face of city-life, there are many black spots. Unless they are removed, it cannot be a picture of true happy life. Till then one has to say 'Devil mad the city and God made the town!'

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1 comment:

  1. good very nice i got the best paragraph for my ASL
