Wednesday 23 January 2019

Published January 23, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short essay on Think Big To Grow Big

Think Big To Grow Big

When we say something or perform any action, it gives a reflection of our thoughts. We first thinks and then he acts accordingly. Hence the importance of thinking big is quite evident. A man's success is not measured by his wealth or residence but by his thinking. 

So think like a winner if you want to win in any field of life. 

Simply gazing at the sky won't take one to the sky. But gazing at the sky followed by thinking (how to reach the sky) will one day get him to the sky. 

Thinking inspires seeking, striving and struggling. Struggling lead to achieving the goal. So the more one thinks the more he gets; the more one ponders over the more he unearths. Deep thinking dredges out the depth. So long Lord Buddha was the King Sidharth. (not a man of reasoning) he was an ignorant man - not knowing what was death: what was disease etc. But his deep thinking at length led him to establish himself as Lord Buddha. 

So if we want to achieve big success we must start thinking big. We must always remember thoughts are things. Positive thoughts are the most powerful things in the world. But big or positive thinking must be followed by positive actions

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Tuesday 22 January 2019

Published January 22, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on "A River In Flood"

A River In Flood

Last year I was in Calcutta during the summers. As the rainy season drew near, it started raining heavily for many days on end. So the water level in the river Ganga began to rise and soon it was in flood. Soon the water began to overflow the banks. When we heard of the flood, we, under the organization of a voluntary social welfare society 'Help' planned to visit the flooded villages. 

It was terrible. There was water everywhere. The current was strong. Men and animals struggled between life and death. Many things were seen floating in the water. Live snakes were seen being washed away. Here and there we could see the carcasses on the surface of the water. Water seemed to be devouring all. 

Some villagers climbed up the trees to save their lives but they had nothing to eat or drink. Their condition was very miserable. We tried hard and threw some packets of food from the aeroplane and even saved some people. The flood caused great havoc. Many houses collapsed and many people lost their home. A large number of trees were uprooted. Traffic remained dislocated for weeks together. Crops were completely destroyed. As the means of communication were all under water, therefore access was possible only by boats. Many people met a watery grave. 

After three days, the flood began to subside. The people felt relieved. The government also rose to the occasion and began to help the people. Loans were given to the victims for building their houses and purchasing cattle. Many rich people donated large sums of money. The homeless were given temporary accommodation in schools, Dharamshalas, etc. 

As an epidemic was feared, preventive measures were taken and people were inoculated against cholera. The victims could start a normal life again after two or three months. But they could never have forgotten these horrible experiences which, for the time being, completely checked the normal flow of life.

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Monday 21 January 2019

Published January 21, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on my First Flight by Aeroplane

Essay on my First Flight by Aeroplane

I often heard people talking about their flight in an aeroplane. I often saw aeroplanes hovering about the sky. How I wished, I too could enjoy a flight in an aeroplane! Fortunately, I had an opportunity very soon. My father had gone to Bombay on business.

One morning I received a sudden and immediate call from him. He wanted me to reach Bombay with some very important papers which he had forgotten to take along. I hurriedly collected the documents and a suit of clothes. I packed these things and dashed to the airport. Luckily I got a seat in the plane that was bound for Bombay.

In my heart of hearts. I was very happy to have got this chance. The pilot started the engine. It made a great noise and immediately took off. At last, it glided along the ground and then began to ascend from the earth. In a few minutes, I found that we were very high up in the sky. In the first few minutes, I felt a little frightened. But soon I overcame my fright and felt easy.

I looked below The scene was charming. The houses looked like small huts or even like matchboxes and crops seemed like grass very like the Gulliver's sight in Liliput. Men and women looked like ants and rivers like serpents crawling on the ground. Everything looked very small and tiny. I enjoyed the sight to the core.

We remained in the air for hardly half an hour. It was 7 pm. Searchlights showed that we were near the Bombay airport. All of a sudden the deafening sound ceased. The plane began to descend. Soon it touched the ground and came to a standstill. I opened the belt that I had fastened before we took off and came out. The whole experience now seems a Wonder. In thirty minutes. I was a hundred miles away from home. It was really thrilling. Its memory is still fresh in my mind and I very much wish to fly over a longer distance.

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Thursday 17 January 2019

Published January 17, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Success Is Not A Matter Of Luck: ESSAY

Success Is Not A Matter Of Luck: ESSAY

The rewards one gets in life are usually the results of one's efforts. No man can hope to have a very easy life and also at the same time a very successful one. There may be only one or two exceptions in thousands of cases in this matter. It is astonishing what intelligent efforts can achieve it is when channelized in the right direction. Had success been easy, everyone would have been successful. However, the path to success is not as difficult to climb as it might appear. Each time we overcome an obstacle, the work we are attempting becomes easier.

It is very necessary to work hard to achieve success But psychologist say that if we love our work, we will never find it hard or tiring. There is no substitute for hard work. At the same time, there should be a purpose and a noble goal at which to aim and advance. We must decide our aim in life or what we want most out of our lives and then constantly work for it.

The early attempts towards the goal of success are the hardest. The more our efforts get success, the easier it becomes to do so. In the end, it becomes our habit. The success follows success. Nothing is impossible to a man who has a purpose and the perseverance to persist with it. Self-confidence, courage and strong will power are necessary to get success.

It is not how much we do but how well we do that is important. But at the same time, one should also keep in mind that it is better to do something than to do nothing due to fear of failure. It is why courage is necessary to achieve success. In the ordinary business of life, the industry can do anything which genius can do. Genius is nothing but the quality of making persistent efforts in spite of facing thousands of failure. 

Fortune favors the brave. There is no gain without taking the risk. How a man who never ventures can win. In life, one has to take bold decisions quickly. Time and tide wait for nobody. The Timid, weak and undecided are swept away by the tide of time. Determination and concentration enable a man to attain success in any field of life. So success is not a matter of luck, it depends on firm determination and full preparation.

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Wednesday 16 January 2019

Published January 16, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on My Railway Journey (Train Journey)

Essay on My Railway Journey (Train Journey)

Traveling is a great and inspiring experience. It is at once instructive and interesting. If we travel second class, a railway journey gives us a true picture of India. Majority of the Indians travel by second class.

I had a great desire to go to Simla. I was very happy when I received a letter from my cousin to visit him during the summer vacation! My father gladly allowed me to go.

It was the sticky month of July. The day at last arrived. Our school was closed for two months. I reached home. Packed up my articles and left for the railway station. I reached the station fifteen minutes before the arrival of the train. There was a great rush at the platform. I had no worries since I already had a reserved seat. I engaged a coolie and made my way to the train.

There were a great hustle and bustle. The passengers were eagerly waiting for the train. After ten minutes, the train steamed in. It was fully packed. But I was lucky enough to get a seat near a window. After five minutes the guard whistled and waved his green flag. The train steamed off, soon it gathered speed.

Our compartment was packed to its capacity. Some passengers were smoking while others were chatting or reading newspapers. Then the ticket checker entered and checked our tickets. A young man was found traveling without a ticket. He had to pay the fare and the penalty.

I looked out of the window. There were greenfields on either side. Cattle were grazing. The trees seemed to be running away. At last, I reached Kalka. I took my lunch and changed for Simla.

The train for Simla looked like a toy, It was an interesting sight to see the engine climbing the hill like a serpent. As the train went higher. I saw tall trees of pine. Houses on hills look very tiny. The train went on a zig-zag path. It passed through many tunnels. The cold increased as the train went higher and higher. After five hours of pleasant journey, I reached Simla. My cousin was waiting at the station and received me cheerfully.

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Tuesday 15 January 2019

Published January 15, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Simple Essay on A Street Beggar

Simple Essay on A Street Beggar

Previously a person took to begging only when he had been very hungry for days together and had not been able to get hold of a job. Nowadays begging in India has become almost a profession. Wherever you go, a beggar stares you in the face. You can't escape him. Besides meetings him in the street, at the bus stand and near the temple, you will find him begging from door to door.

There are some beggars who are able-bodied. They can work to earn their bread but they have taken to begging simply because it is so easy. They at times get more than many honest workers. The beggars virtually loot money in the name of religion and God. They don't deserve pity. There are other beggars who are crippled. But it is no excuse for begging. A self-respectful person whether a handicap or not always tries to stand on his own foot. Of course, crippled people should be helped. but they should not be given alms. Begging, in no way, is justified.

A beggar, who in fact is a healthy but lazy man is very clever and cunning. Some beggars go about in saffron clothes, carrying a bowl in their hands. Some beggars form singing parties and begging in the name of a charitable institution. Some sit by the roadside and pretend to be blind or deaf. They try to arouse pity and sympathy of the passers-by. Most of such beggars are fit to work and can earn their living on their own. Sometimes beggars have even done the great crime of kidnapping little children and later train them in the art of begging

While giving alms to any beggar, one should always keep in mind that giving a little money or food will not end his poverty. If you want to really end his poverty you should give him work instead.

Begging is a stigma on the name of the nation. Charity may be given but there should be poor houses for such disabled persons who really deserve charity.
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Monday 14 January 2019

Published January 14, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on My Grandmother

Essay on My Grandmother

My grandmother is a very old lady. She has already crossed sixty. Her years have now bent her back a little but have not affected her activities. She is tall and thin. She is grey-haired and her humble and affectionate face is full of wrinkles. Her eyesight, however, is quite good and she can read without spectacles

She is a religious lady. But her devotion to religion and God does not disturb the rest of the family. She is the first to leave her bed in the morning. Before we get up, she has already taken her bath with fresh water. Immediately after the bath, she goes to the nearby temple. We eagerly wait for her to come back for she brings sweets for us.

Even at this age. she is very active and hard-working. At times, we are surprised at her agility. She supervises all the important jobs in the family. Some she does herself.

She is very affectionate and caring. We, her grandchildren are attached to her more than to our parents. She never crosses with us. Her love for us is her passion. But she is equally generous to other children. My father and my uncle always seek her advice in all social matters.

She is the most respected lady in our colony. Ladies, young and old, come to her for advice. Sometimes they bring their problems. In the afternoon many women flock around her. They feel flattered in doing her a little service. Sometimes she tells them her own experiences. They listen to her with respect.

When we were little kids, our grandmother used to be such a source of joy! We used to wait eagerly for the night because, in the night, all of us snuggled near her and then she would tell us a story. In this way, we learned some great stories of our scriptures like Mahabharat, Ramayan.Panchatantra etc.

Like all old women, she has some orthodox habits but unlike other old women, she has a surprising quality to change with the time. Nobody forces her, but she herself has changed many of her superstitious habits. We all are thankful to God for such a loving grandmother.

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Published January 14, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short and simple essay on "The Policeman"

Short and simple essay on "The Policeman"

At the railway stations, street crossings and important public places, one often come across a well-built man wearing a khaki dress and a leather belt around his waist. Well everyone knows him-he is the policeman. He has appointed project civilians from criminals and evil-doers.

He has many duties to perform. He maintains law and order in the country. He is, therefore, called the guardian of law and order. He keeps a sharp eye on bad characters whenever they break the law. He arrests them and takes them to the police station.

There is traffic police also. The main duty of the traffic policeman is to control and regulate the traffic. He generally stands on a raised platform and regulates the traffic by making certain signs with his hands. If any driver goes against the rules, he blows his whistle and stops him. He then charges fine accordingly. The duty of the traffic policeman is very hard because he has to stand under the scorching sun or in heavy rains for hours together.

At night the policeman patrols the streets and guards our property. He traces thefts and brings the culprits to book.

But nowadays, there have been some incidents andsituations wherein the police have acted brutally. There havebeen some corruption charges on the police also. It is a pity that some policemen accept a bribe and shrug off the great responsibility they have for the society as a whole.

The police should be aware of the fact that if the protectors turn to be destructors - our society will be ruined and the country will not progress at all. Individual interests should always be sacrificed for the interest of society.

The social attitude towards the police has also becomeof terror. Generally, people do not discriminate betweena evil doer and a policeman. We should not look down on him since he is our social protector. We should try toput a little faith on him

The government should also better his lot so that he should have a comfortable living. Then, he would not accept bribes. Again, only educated persons should be recruited and besides their tough training, they should be taught to be polite and well-mannered. Only then, the public will have no problems with the police and together they will be able to eradicate crime.

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Saturday 12 January 2019

Published January 12, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Democracy: Merits and Demerits [Essay]

Democracy: Its merits and demerits

The English word 'Democracy' is derived from two God words 'Demos' and 'Kratia' or 'Kratos'. Demos means crowd and 'Kratia' or  'Kratos' means power. This is why the critics of democracy have described it as Mobocracy. But in reality, democracy is not mobocracy but rule by the majority of the people according to certain rules and regulations which are accepted by the people of a country.

In the beginning, there was direct Democracy. For example, in our country, the villagers used to elect their representatives for village Panchayat by raising their hands in favor of their candidate. But now people cast their votes in favor of their candidates who stand for Parliament legislative Assemblies of states. The most famous definition which is generally quoted is of Abraham Lincoln. the great president of America. According to Lincoln Democracy is a government of the people. by the people and for the people.

The system of Democracy has following merits

  1. It gives equal opportunities to make progress to the people
  2. It is above any kind of undue favor to any religion case. creed or colour
  3. The people are supreme and cannot be exploited by any dictator or group of persons.
  4. It gives freedom of expression to the masses. It develops the intellectual level of the country.
  5. In a democratic country, a citizen is free to follow any religion, trade etc. This helps the citizens to develop inherent capabilities which contribute to the progress of the country

Demerits of the Democracy

  1. Government by popular majorities means rule by the average man, who is generally unintelligent, controlled in misconduct more by emotions than by reason, of limited knowledge. What standard of judgment can make us believe the opinion of 51 percent of the people to be wiser than 49percenttheirandsVOlesntition
  2. It is necessary to make long-range plans and policies to achieve any great success. But in a democratic system, the representatives of the people are bound to face the electorate after every 5 years. The general public does not want to make sacrifices for the good results which will be available only in the future. So a country can not make real progress by following democratic system.the
  3. The capitalists, industrialists, bosses of mafia type groups and religious leaders play a dominant part in influencing voters in general elections. So the honest and capable leaders do not get the opportunity to form the government.
  4. Democracy needs to be educated, enlightened and patriotic people to make it a success So in a country where the percentage of literacy is less than 50%, democratic systems useless and harmful for the welfare of the people.


In a democratic system of government, the principle of balance of power is used and consequently legislature judiciary and executive, the three branches of government are separated. So the power of the government is limited by the laws of the constitution. It helps in smooth running of the system. But only a state of literate, well disciplined and patriotic people can enjoy the real fruits of Democracy.

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Friday 11 January 2019

Published January 11, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on Freedom of Press in Democracy

Essay on Freedom of Press in Democracy

Press is called the fourth estate of any democratic country, meaning it is the fourth power of a country. Even a dictator can not neglect the power the press has since every political ideology demands propaganda and publicity which only press can provide.

Democracy demands much more than the mere propaganda from the press. In a democracy, press not only disseminates news and information but also analyzes them critically, hence giving a whole panorama of any problem and its possible solutions. It does not remain a mouthpiece of the prevailing government but a staunch supporter of people's cause.

As the newspaper keep people informed about government policies and incidents taking place all over the world, so does it inform the government of peoples problem desires and grievance. Thus, the press plays a dual role in society.

Having such a great responsibility to fulfill the press should have a strong ideology. It must aim at truth and nothing else. False and superficial journalism only tarnishes the image of the press. Rumors should always be avoided. But unfortunately, some newspapers take to yellow journalism for petty benefits. They publish rumors, vulgar and cooked up reports just to enhance their sale. Some indulge in spreading sectarian and communal feelings. The the press should always keep in mind its capability to fight against any social evil. Otherwise, the press will become just another vulgar medium to be exploited by the political authorities.

The freedom of the press is most important if it has to take an active part in the struggle against the evils. If press becomes just a tool in the hands of the government then what else can it do except propagating and harping on the government policies. Unless the press itself enjoys freedom, how can it become the defender and supporter of the rights and liberties of the citizens.

But freedom of Press can be useful only when Press is fully aware of its responsibilities and duties. Every freedom has its discipline and without this discipline which may be called ideology, no freedom can survive for long. Therefore, Press should always use its freedom for the interest of people and not just for monetary benefits.

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Thursday 10 January 2019

Published January 10, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on India's Population Problem

India's Population Problem

In 1947, partition brought for India a very little cultivable land and millions of mouths to be fed. From the very momentof Independence. it was realized that India is an overpopulated country. According to 1981 census. India'spopulation comes around 68.38 crores.

The alarming and incessant growth of population is causing serious economic problems. The more people willbe the harder will be to feed them all. This is the only reasonwhy. inspite of a very good crop. the country has to importgood grains. Whatever progress our country makes every yearis eaten up by the increasing population.

Employment opportunities are created. but population increases much more than them. The direct result of which is an irregularity in the distribution of income and geared up poverty.

There are many reasons why India could not firmly puta check on the population explosion, the main among these people's religious beliefs. Some people have this superstitious belief that childbirth is a god's gift and hence 'the more the merrier it will be'.

Secondly, a large part of India's population lives in rural areas ignorant, uneducated and unaware of their role in making up the society. They largely depend on agriculture and feel that larger the family, more help will be to their profession. It gives birth to disguised unemployment. Then. an Indian, be he an urban or rural-has an inherent desire to have a son. And in the hope of getting a male child-people to keep multiplying themselves.

Child marriage and early marriage are also some of the customs, which make it hard for the government to control the birth rate. Although the government is trying its best to propagate the idea of birth control. It will impregnate with results only when every individual Indian becomes aware of his duty towards the society.

The importance of family planning cannot be negated in our country. If we want to be prosperous and self-sufficient, each individual must voluntarily follow the concept of family planning and birth control.

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Wednesday 9 January 2019

Published January 09, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay: Our Visit to Kedarnath

Essay: Our Visit to Kedarnath

Gourikund is a small but busy town. It is the last point to which the vehicle can go to reach the shrine of Kedarnath. we stayed in a hotel which was wholly made of strong woodThe river Mandakini was roaring behind our hotel

We decided to go on foot on 16 km. a long winding path. Horses, palanquins etc. were available there. These were used by old and weak persons.

We started at about 6 a.m. the next morning. The hillpath gradually went up and soon we saw river Mandakinifar below us. There are chattis (small shops) all throughthe way. We often stopped at these shops and took tea orwater Snacks are also available at these shops but their priceis just triple or more than the usual amount. This is due tothe difficulty in getting supply from the valley. Some of themoffer shelter for the night and charge money for that.

There is a circuitous main road and many short cutsThe confusing maze of steep pathways bring forth the risk of getting lost.

We took a very light meal and started again. The path wassteeper and the icy winds were blowing. At last we came toa valley. The view was heart captivating.

We were feeling as if enjoying the beauty of heaven or land of gods. Kedarnath was on the opposite side cradled in the lapof majestic ice-caped mountains.

We crossed Mandakini river by a hanging bridge. It rocked so much that we were afraid we would go crashing into the icy water. However, nothing bad or harmful happened. We reached Kedarnath at 1 p.m.

As we reached there a smiling local inhabitant (Pandain local language) welcomed us and arranged for our flooding and lodging. In the evening we saw "Aarti at the temple. It was a very grand and beautiful scenery.

The Kedarnath temple is made of stone. It is said to have been constructed by the famous Pandav brothers on their way to heaven.

The temple and its surroundings gave us a very soothing, peaceful and spiritual feeling. We can never forget that feeling throughout our lives. A famous writer has rightly said a thing of beauty is a joy forever and temple Kedarnathcontains that eternal beauty
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Sunday 6 January 2019

Published January 06, 2019 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Essay on The Causes of Unemployment in India

The Causes of Unemployment in India 

It is pity to see a long queue of young persons, who have devoted ten to sixteen precious years of their lives to their studies standing before the Employment Exchange Office They are unemployed and longing to get a petty job to earn their bread. It is not shocking and surprising that the years they spent in getting education proved just a waste of time and made them idle gossiper, hater of physical labor and slave of comforts.

We will not find carpenters, shoemakers, tailors or even barbers in this queue of employment searchers. This clearly shows the failure of the modern educational system and the insolvency of our policy makers. So if we really want to solve the unemployment problem, the educational system must be made job oriented. Now, our country does not need only clerks. She is in need of persons who can serve her by their physical and mental skill. There is an urgent need of revolutionizing the whole education system so that it can cope with the new demands of our free country.

Unemployment means that while people are willing to work, they have no work to do. The most important reasons for India's poverty and backwardness is her problem of unemployment. The advancement in modern technology has invented such machines, robots, and computers which can perform the work of thousands of persons alone. These machines need only one or two operators and thus they snatch bread from the hands of thousands of persons. So this type of technological advancement has also increased the problem of unemployment. Our government should adopt the automation in such a wise way that can solve this problem.

The government should give due importance to small-scale industries, cottage industries, and labor-intensive industries These industries must be given financial aid, raw material and sales facilities by the government. Unemployed persons should be encouraged to get training concerning these industries.

The increasing population growth is also one of the factors which are contributing to the unemployment problem.

The development of the country cannot create so many job opportunities as are required. We must try to decrease population growth by propagating family planning programme. The peasants, workers and other classes of the masses who are uneducated should be motivated to adopt family planning methods. The villages should be made self-sufficient in their economy so that growing population can get employment. This can be done by setting up agro-industries in rural areas
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