Saturday 28 December 2013

Published December 28, 2013 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short and simple essay on A Bus Conductor

A Bus Conductor

Points to be covered in the essay:

  1. A familiar figure - what is his uniform?
  2. What does he always carry with him?
  3. What are his duties as a conductor?
  4. How does he carry them out?
  5. How long does he work?
  6. Does his job offer him comforts?
  7. What does he do with the cash he collects?
  8. How can the passengers co-operate him?

Essay: A Bus Conductor

In the childhood everybody of us must have dreamt of becoming a bus conductor. Every child collects bus tickets, arranges them on a card-board and hangs it on his shoulder to imitate a bus conductor.

Yes, a bus conductor, a familiar figure who accompanies every passenger in his trip in any bus. Before anybody steps In a bus, he visits a person.

He wears a khaki uniform with a badge on it and stands at the door of the bus. He is the bus conductor employed for the disciplined and comfortable transport of passengers. He stands at the door of the bus to allow limited passengers so that the bus is not overcrowded. He tries to provide them seats. He sees that the passengers purchase tickets. He hangs a ticket-pad on his shoulder and carries a puncher to punch them. He collects the fares in a leather bag hanging on his shoulder He has to be attentive to the arrival of the next slop. He instructs the driver with the signals of ringing a bell attached in every bus. With a single bell he makes him stop the bus_ then lie shoos that all the passengers get down properly. Then when now passengers get in, with a double bell he asks the driver to start the bus. He looks to the safety of the travelers.

He helps the old passengers by arranging a seal for them. He helps them to get in and get out. Also he pays attention to whether the passengers follow the rules of transport like not smoking in a bus.

The duty of a bus-conductor is quite hard. He provides seats to the travelers, but he stands for hours together in a moving bus. He has to be very careful and attentive because he plays the role of an instructor: a person in charge of the bus. While working, a bus conductor has to deal with many passengers of different nature. Some passengers may pick up a quarrel. He has to quiet them. Occasionally he also amuses himself and the travelers by cutting jokes and telling humorous experiences.

When his duty hours end he collects all coins and notes, counts them and deposits the money in his office. As such, while doing his duties a bus-conductor renders a kind of service to the travelling public like us. So we by becoming co-operative and courteous towards him, can help him carry out his duties happily.

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