Saturday 28 December 2013

Published December 28, 2013 by Mayuresh Joshi with 0 comment

Short and simple essay on A Hospital Nurse

A Hospital Nurse

Points to be covered in the essay:

  1. a familiar person - where does she work ?
  2. What kind of routine does she have?
  3. How does she look after her patients?
  4. How is her behaviour towards her patients?
  5. Does her service help the patients?
  6. How does it help them?

Essay: A Hospital Nurse

A very familiar figure in any hospital campus is a nurse. She can be very easily identified from a cap, frock, apron, stockings and shoes which she wears. They are starched and spotless white. It is her uniform which she should wear while attending her duty.

A hospital nurse undergoes rigorous training of nursing before she actually works as a nurse. Then in the hospital, a nurse has to be punctual in all aspects. She has to arrive at the hospital at proper time and take charge of her work. She then starts for a daily round for visiting her patients. She visits each of them. She talks to them in a very low, soft and soothing voice. It gives them relief and helps to get better. She then takes record of the illness or betterment of the patients and writes up their health-charts.

The different patients under her care suffer from different diseases. She pays equal attention to each of them in time. She takes pulse and temperature of some patients. To some other patients she gives injections or to some others she dresses their wounds. She manages their time-schedule punctually and perfectly. Her behaviour towards her patients is motherly. She has to be alert at the time of emergency. A hospital nurse really renders her true and noble service to mankind. The hospital atmosphere she works in is gloomy. What she always gets to see is suffering, sickness, cries and agonies. In addition to that she has to face the senior doctors and surgeons who may at times lose their temper. She assists them during operations. How must she be keeping up her calmness and a smile on lips? While working in any odds she cannot frown her forehead. She has to maintain her patience and cheerfulness.

Really, the selfless duties and affection rendered by a hospital nurse to her patients helps them to gain confidence and recover quickly. That's why a hospital nurse is truly called 'sister' by the patients, which is a real reward of gratitude to her from them.
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